Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23, 2010 (Granddaughter Kristin's 20th birthday...Yea)
What a wonderful God we have who has surrounded us with friends and family and their love and prayers. He is my stong anchor and He has me in His right hand. You have shared meaningful verses with me to keep me strong. Today Lynn sent a beautiful one from Romans 12:12...Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Will work on the patience one. We have friends who are also in need of your prayers. Please add my friend, Marybeth, Gretchen, Dawn, Betty, Jan, Tammy, Sylvia, Mark M, Mark F and all those working and trying to survive in Haiti. Phil 4:19 reminds us that God will fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus. That's all we need.

1 comment:

  1. God is so faithful. I will continue to hold you up before His throne. I love Psalm 118:17 I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. To GOD be the glory. BE glorified in our lives oh God! Love you, Carol Lynn.
