Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30,2011
Have not made an entry to our blog since I finished my cancer treatments in November...but we had more excitement in our family to record so we can remember. Anyway I am playing nurse for Gary as he went through TURP surgery on Monday on an enlarged prostate. Was to be an outpatient procedure, but it turned into a 4 day and 3 night episode because of blood clot issues. Had marvelous nurses and doctors who cared for him and got him over several very rough spots . We were blessed with news from pathology that there is NO cancer in the prostate and his bladder showed no tumors. So we praise God for that and for holding his hand through the last few days...just like He promises that He will do in Is. 41:13. We had been enjoying a visit at cabin with dear former neighbors, Dick and Diane, when all of Gary's issues began on June 6. We drove to FL so he could doctor with his local urologist who was marvelous. Also had a great time with Kathy, Sam and Anna who drove to FL for a visit....since we had to renege on our babysitting offer due to medical problem. We pray that each of you are staying healthy and enjoying fun summer time activities. We cherish our friendship and send our love to each of you.
Prayers are requested for Judy, Don, Linda, Christa, Debra, Dawn for the medical issues that each one is facing. Love and Hugs, Carol Lynn and Gary