Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Dear Friends and Family,
Celebrating brother John's birthday today as he joined our family a week after I turned 13. Guess that was a long time ago. We are still at cabin in GA thawing our from a snowfall that gave the local kids 4 snow days last week. It was beautiful, but we did not venture off the mountain top for several days. Had a very thankful Thanksgiving with Kathy and Kristy's families joining us. Looking so forward to Julie's family coming after Christmas. Much to celebrate after our year of doctor appointments....cancer free for sons in laws and college kids...super grades at all levels of times with grandkids' sports activities...recovery from concussions for Terri and Tyler....exciting first year teaching position for Kara...good reviews from Sanford airport for Kevin...upcoming outreach trip for of our home and stress free relocation to Lutheran Haven...good health for Gary...approaching year 95 for Mom Fink...and the blessings go on and on . Continually we thank God for each of you and what you mean to us. You are cherished and loved. In church today we were reminded to be strong and do not fear. That is the Christmas message....we have been given a Savior who came to forgive us and give us eternal life. What a gift. We sang the beautiful verse: Be near me Lord Jesus I ask thee to stay, close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, and take us to Heaven to live with Thee there. That is our prayer. IICor 9:15 says Thank God for this gift, His gift. No language can praise it enough.
Special prayer requests include: Nancy, Judy, Suzanne, Mark, Amy and my radiation friends.
Love and hugs to each of you, Carol Lynn and Gary

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